January 3, 2012

Student and teacher/instructor registration for Congress 2012

Student and Teacher Pricing
Registration Procedures
Rules and Regulations
Sample assignment for Congress 2012

Teachers/Instructors and their students are encouraged to attend the 2012 Congress trade show. In addition to the many conferences and seminars (Congress Show Guide) made available for teachers and students with special pricing, we are also hosting free special sessions: one for students and teachers, and another for teachers only. See more information below. Rooms fill fast so Register Online or with our Paper Registration today!

Don't Miss This Year's Free Special Sessions
Attention: Students and Teachers
Wed., Jan. 11, 2  to 3 p.m.
Human Resources for the Future: Making the Specialist High Skills Major Program Work For You! Make sense of the SHSM Horticulture and Landscaping program from the ministry, employer, teacher and graduate perspectives. If you don't know what SHSM is, you need to attend this session! SHSM (Specialist High Skills Major) is a ministry-approved specialized program that allows students to focus their learning on a specific economic sector, while meeting the requirements to graduate from secondary school. The Horticulture and Landscaping program is designed to help prepare students for a career in the green industry. This session is aimed at employers, educators and students. Admission included with trade show registration. Moderator Sally Harvey, Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association, Milton, Ontario

Attention: Teachers ONLY
Thurs., Jan. 12, 2 to 3 p.m.
On-the-Job Training Primer Session On-the-Job: that is where most of the learning in our industry happens every day, working side-by-side with a more experienced, or knowledgeable person. There is no doubting the skills of the trainer, but how many them ever had training on how to train? Just because you are able to do something very well, does not mean you are able to teach others. Otherwise, Wayne Gretzky would be the greatest coach of all time. This one-hour session will introduce a simple, yet amazingly effective method of training. Admission to this session is included with trade show registration. Joel Beatson CLP, Canadian Nursery Landscape Association, Milton, Ontario

Attention: Teachers ONLY
Thurs, Jan 12, 1:30 to 4p.m.
'Connecting Educators Meeting'  Landscape Horticulture teachers and instructors who teach industry related programs at Secondary Schools, Post Secondary Institutions, including Apprenticeship and Industry leaders and supporters.To find out more and register go to: https://epic48.com/apps/showreg2.php?s=63