January 6, 2023
Announcing a revised resource intended for employers, supervisors and teachers/instructors to engage employees and students in compliance-based training. The guide provides a wide variety of topics for weekly tailgate talks. Proper implementation will lead to improved orientation, awareness and prevention of injury.

Landscape Ontario Safety Tailgate Talks, developed by Landscape Ontario in collaboration with Workplace Safety & Prevention Services, promotes workplace safety by providing  a simple tool for trainers and staff to include safety on the job, in the classroom or shop, or in the truck. Relevant topics will help trainers create awareness and  compliance through the interactive training framework.

The publication features:
  • Health and safety tailgate meeting topics in an easy- to-deliver format.
  • Important reminders on hazards and personal protective equipment (PPE).
  • Topics arranged in alphabetical order.
  • Ideas to facilitate discussion and demonstrations.

Tailgate Talks is printed in a size convenient enough to carry to work every day, and to have in every vehicle.

$30.00 each plus shipping and taxes.

Order copies for your supervisors, class and crews today!

tailgate talks booklet