January 7, 2016
Sample Policy for Workplace Inspections
The primary purpose of a workplace inspection is to identify unsafe conditions and unsafe acts before an accident may occur, and to correct or remove the hazards so that the health and safety of all employees and the environment is protected.
All aspects of the business are open to inspections. Certain areas will be inspected on a routine basis, while others will be done randomly. The Joint Health and Safety Committee or any appointed employee is responsible for safety inspections. The inspections will be documented and notification of the results of inspections and recommended remedies are be implemented.
Routine inspections will be done on the following:
Workplace shop, including storage areas and office
All fire extinguishers by a qualified fire services company once a year
Company vehicles by foreman
These inspections will be documented and signed by the person or persons conducting the inspection. The inspections are to be done every month and documentation will be posted on the health and safety board.
Trucks should be inspected on a daily basis by the foreman or the employee in charge of the vehicle for the day. Any concerns about safety equipment should be voiced to the foreman or supervisor prior to leaving the shop in the morning. Any deficiencies should be reported immediately to the foreman or supervisor in order that corrective measures or replacement may be secured.
Fire extinguishers will be inspected annually by a certified company.
  • Employees receive a handout every year
  • Reports posted on health and safety board 
  • JHSC members keep up-to-date on safety issues
  • JHSC and or employee fill out reports
  • JHSC reviews workplace inspections
  • JHSC reviews every spring each year
  • JHSC reviews every spring each year and makes changes and or recommendations as needed
  • Acknowledges at company dinner, company kickoff meeting, etc.
Workplace Safety Prevention Service provides a sample copy of forms to conduct an inspection.